Hi, my name is
Eugene Sern-Ting Tan.
I am a dermatologist in Singapore whose personal motto is to make a positive difference in people’s lives.
In addition to helping people resolve their dermatological issues and improve their skin condition, one of my great passions is to help people develop their inner potential and inspire them to live their dreams.
A very warm welcome to my personal site, where I will share my insights and strategies for personal development as well as ideas for living a happy, healthy & fulfilling life.
Happy exploring! :)
My Books
As an ardent fan of personal development since my student days, I have learnt and assimilated many valuable insights and strategies on optimizing time management, boosting personal motivation, as well as relationship mastery. I have co-authored 3 books to share these ideas. In the field of Dermatology, I have also co-authored a book on Phototherapy and Photodiagnostic methods.
Ideas For Inspiration
Looking for ideas on how to study better, boost your memory and make learning any subject interesting? Or how about the art of setting precision goals, and mental conditioning strategies to become super motivated and bounce back strongly from adversity? To learn more, check out my Inspiration page.